Why Key to Change?
While many people are truly in need, giving spare change to a panhandler is only a short-term solution to a deeper problem. Your kindness may only reinforce negative behavior when more meaningful assistance is needed and available.
Key to Change directs funds to programs that have a lasting impact. Donations are used to further the mission of Milwaukee County Housing Division’s Housing First project – an initiative that recognizes housing as the first step toward stabilization. Stable living conditions are then complemented by wraparound services, which range from rehabilitation and counseling to job training and placement. To date, over 2,000 homeless individuals in Milwaukee have been placed.
Replicated in other cities, data for Housing First programs overwhelmingly shows that this model dramatically reduces public service costs, as well as improves the quality of life for the consumer and the surrounding community.

A Success Story

Jeff and Robert have gone from homelessness to empowerment. They are in their own apartments and working toward success thanks to Housing First. They serve on a Resident Advisory Council to improve services for the newly housed. Moreover, they strive to give back. They work with community and charity organizations, and encourage other residents to do the same through the new Housing First Service Corps, which provides monthly volunteer opportunities for Housing First residents.